Monday, May 2, 2011

WAF Position Regarding a Third Secret Email Being forwarded

A friend forwarded me an email with the following title: "LUCIA REVEALS THE THIRD SECRET OF FATIMA THE THIRD SECRET, AT LAST, IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!"

I indicated that I would check it out with WAF. The following is the response I received from Deacon Bob Ellis of the World Apostolate of Fatima.

"...The position of the World Apostolate of Fatima with regard to the “Secret of Fatima” is identical with the official position of Holy Mother Church as delineated in the attached** official Church document produced by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith when then Cardinal Ratzinger was its prefect.

Although your devout Catholic friend is, no doubt, sincere in her intentions, the information contained in her email does not, in many ways, mesh with to official position of Holy Mother Church. I highly recommend you share the CDF Document with her and urge her to share it with others rather than continuing to share the content of her email to you..."

**Instead of attaching, please click here.

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